Meanwhile, 200 million Chinese schoolchildren are studying English. South Korean parents recently threw a collective hissy fit, demanding that their children begin English instruction in first grade, rather than in second. Nearly 700,000 students from all over the world attended U.S. universities during the 2009–10 school year, with the greatest increases in kids from China and Saudi Arabia. “Not training our kids to be able to work and live in an international environment is like leaving them illiterate,” says David Boren, the former U.S. senator and current president of the University of Oklahoma. The gap between our ambition and reality yawns wide.
so, tak perlu nak bangga sangat dengan know what i mean...aku sangat bersyukur dilahirkan di Malaysia...ada adat, culture, tradition untuk dibanggakan, untuk diwarisi...mereka seperti...tiada. a point where i thought dah takde lagi dah mindset seperti: "you are from ma-lay-sia? you mean Africa?" tengok tengok ada lagi...
lecturer aku kat UKM bercerita tentang reaksi orang sekeliling masa dia kat Texas. After lengthy explanation, problem still not solved: "ooohhh...i thought you live on trees." !!!!!!
kalau sebut Texas...ko bayangkan diaorg ni duduk dalam straw hut ke? takkan kan...tak perlu lame sangat kot pemikiran...logic la sikit...
aku rasa, aku cukup well informed dengan apa yang terjadi disekeliling aku....di serata dunia...mungkin aku tak tau the exact fact, details and crisis...but at least, i am still in the loop.
kalau ada mood nak baca the full text...klik sini.
oh ya...if you read the full might appeared as if i have taken it a bit out of context...tapi...what ever lah...