Wednesday 15 June 2011

opposite attracts and stays

Opposite attracts they say.

Do you agree?

The closest example I observe would be my parents.

Ayah loveeeeed to rear animals. He rarely thought about it twice when it comes the four-legged or the two-legged.

As opposed to my mother who would go frantic upon hearing the word “binatang” itself…Hahahahahaha…Mama…Mama ni tak environmentalist la…

“Kawan rasa nak bela ayam serama la Ma…”
*mata mama terbeliak*

“Ma…Kawan beli burung murai ni…tengok ni…mana nak gantung sangkar ni Ma?”
*Mama urut dada*

“Awak ada besen Ma?”
“Awak nak buat ape?”
“Ni Kawan balik mancing tadi…ada tangkap labi-labi ni ha…”
*Mama ternganga*

Dekat rumah nenek…kawasan lagi besar…laaaagi banyak lah benda Ayah nak bela: ayam, itik, kucing, burung lagi… …

He just loved to spend time with them (it’s not true), to feed them (it’s not true), to clean their coop or cage (it’s not true), and to clean after them (it’s not true).

Hahahaha…bukan Mama anti binatang ke ape…The thing is…Ayah selalunya…just suka the idea of having the animals around…but the dirty job…Mama yang selalu kena! LOL!!!

So, selalunya…things will end up like this…Ayah would play and admire his ayam serama whilst Mama would have to clean up the coop…hahahahahaha…even the burung murai…Ayah would whistle away with the bird…then off he went…leaving the feeding and the cleaning part to my mother…hahahahahaha…poor mum!

Terkumat kamit lah mulut Mama membebel…tapi dia buat gak…haih…pengorbanan seorang insan bernama isteri.

Itu baru pe’el suami dia…

Anak anak Mama pon 2 x 5 gak…hahahaha…

“Long…kenapa ko bawa balik tikus ni long?”
“Ni bukan tikus la ma…ni hamster…”

“Ma…kucing aye dah terberak kat atas kusyen…”
“Ma…kucing dah kencing kat cadar…”
“Ma…kucing dah curi makan ikan kembung tu sekor…”
“Ma…nak kangkung…nak bagi kura kura ni makan…”

Her entire life, Mama tak pernah do anything for herself…semuanya dia buat untuk family dia…

Pengorbanan seorang insane bernama isteri DAN ibu.

 mesti si gadis ni tak the future...she will have to put up with a lot of kerenah from her hubby and children...

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